I’m sick….what’s happening to my teeth?

I’m sick….what’s happening to my teeth?

In bed with a bug? What happens to your teeth when you get ill?

With winter well and truly here, bugs and viruses are starting to show up.

If you’ve succumbed to cold and flu symptoms, spare a thought for your poor teeth! From toothache to yellowing and acid attacks, the effects of illness can linger on your smile long after the rest of you is fighting fit once again. Here are the common things that happen to our teeth when we’re under the weather.

1. Dehydration

Vomiting and medication such as decongestants not only dehydrate the body but the mouth too. And dry mouth is not good news for teeth. If you’re low on saliva, you’re low on the magic ingredient that keeps teeth clean and pH-neutral. So follow your doctor’s advice and get those fluids in. But before you stock up on your honey and lemon, your Lucozade, lemonade and orange juice – stop right there! They’re the worst things you can inflict on your teeth because they’re so high in acid and sugar. Sip water frequently instead. Or, if you must have that comforting drink, sip it through a paper straw, or follow with a water ‘chaser’ to get those sticky ingredients away from your enamel.

2. Vomiting

Vomiting brings your teeth into frequent contact with stomach acid. Which is roughly as powerful as battery acid! So it’s no surprise that being sick can cause your tooth enamel to erode, which in turn makes teeth brittle, hypersensitive and vulnerable to decay. But here’s the problem, the first thing you’ll want to do after vomiting is brush your teeth. Don’t! Brushing straight away means you’re simply rubbing that ‘battery acid’ all round your mouth. Instead, rinse your mouth with water. Wait 30 minutes, then brush as normal.

3. Sinus pressure

Heavy colds, flu viruses and sinus infections can all cause toothache, which you may first notice while you’re moving about. You can relieve the pressure by wrapping a warm, wet towel around your nose, cheeks and eyes. However, if the toothache persists beyond your illness, consult your dentist to check it’s not something more serious.

4. Medication

Syrupy, sugary medicines and pastilles dominate the cold and flu shelves at the pharmacy, but they’re really, really bad for your teeth! Seek out sugar-free versions if you can; drink only water; and keep rinsing your mouth to keep gingivitis (inflamed or bleeding gums) and bad breath under control.

5. Lack energy

When all you want to do is crawl under the duvet and stay there, brushing and flossing often fall by the wayside. But this is the worst time to neglect your oral hygiene. It’s your first line of defence against the effects of dehydration, vomiting and medication. All of which make your smile vulnerable to cavities and gum problems. Conserve your energy by all means, but rally for just two minutes each morning and evening to get your teeth-cleaning in. You’ll feel better for it!

Of course, if you already have a great oral hygiene routine that uses the right products and the most up-to-date techniques, you’ll be in a stronger position to tackle your teeth during illness!

Our dentists and hygienists are available for appointments. Appointments are available via our on line booking site. Or by phoning our reception team during business hours.