Introducing our new front office team
We are very excited to introduce the new front office team at Canberra Dental Care.
Skye and Erika join us as our dedicated front office team. They both have a wealth of dental experience, having worked as dental assistants in the past.
Erika was a dental assistant with us until recently and has re-joined at the front desk.
Skye was a dental assistant for us 14 years ago, before we moved to our current location.
We are so pleased to welcome them both back to the Canberra Dental Care team.
You may notice a few things change at reception as we move to a more streamlined approach.
Appointments are available via our on line portal or by phoning during business hours.
Masks reminder
Even though the rules around masks have relaxed. At Canberra Dental Care we still require staff and patients to wear masks.
Masks are still required in high risk areas such as hospitals and other health care places. They are also still required in schools, aged care facilities and when providing a service to a person with a disability. We have patients that fall into all three of those vulnerable categories. While we need you to take your mask off for us to perform our treatment, we believe it is important to keep that layer of protection at other times. Our staff, including our reception staff, will still be wearing masks.
Introducing our new front office team